
Your online resource for preservative-treated wood utility poles in North America

New guide, web section explore fire protection for wood poles

Fire and PolesToday's wildfires can have devastating impacts for both communities and infrastructure such as utility poles. A new Technical Bulletin and web section details how fire affects all pole materials and the new technologies available to protect wood poles from the ravages of fire to keep power on.

The publication Wildfire Mitigation: Materials science & wood pole protection delves deeply into how wildfires can impact utility poles, whether they are made of wood, composite fiberglass, steel or concrete. Since no material is impervious to fire, the guide offers insights to aid in utility efforts to reduce the vulnerability of their overhead systems. Also detailed are the effectiveness of new pole wrap technologies in protecting wood poles, confirmed by research and real-world experiences.

The new Fire Protection section provides an overview of the topics covered in the publication, as well as videos of fire tests on wood and composite fiberglass crossarms that show significant differences in performance under fire conditions

See more in the new Wood Pole Fire Protection section and download the Technical Bulletin.


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Wood crossarms highlighted in new section

Often overlooked, wood crossarms play a critical role in carrying lines other equipment in overhead systems today. A new Wood Crossarms section provides an in-depth look at these essential wood products in bringing electricity and communications to the world.

The new section includes an overview of the long history of wood crossarms and how they have evolved to become a durable, engineered component in electrical distribution. The Crossarms Today section features a special 6-minute video on wood crossarms. The section details the structural and treating standards for wood crossarms, as well as the environmental benefits compared to other crossarm materials, such as composite fiberglass.

There's also new information on the fire performance of wood crossarms, with video from fire tests on both wood and composite fiberglass crossarms. The tests simulated real-world conditions, with weights suspended from the arms as they were exposed to heat and flame.

See more in the Wood Crossarms section

Sustainable alternatives explored for overhead resiliency

SustainBigger may not be better -- nor sustainable -- when it comes to increasing wood pole sizes to improve overhead system resiliency. The new Technical Bulletin Sustainable Wood Pole Design for Overhead Systems explores practical alternatives to specifying larger poles.

Utilities should incorporate sustainable forestry into resiliency efforts and can do so by utilizing more readily available pole classes with spans between closer together.

The 12-page bulletin explores the natural growth of trees and its importance in creating larger poles, which are often more expensive due to limited availability. An alternative to specifying bigger poles is to move poles closer together, which enhances reliability while balancing what pole sizes are available in today's renewable forests.

Detailed examples are offered showing how to meet NESC requirements with shorter spans, as well as cost considerations. Take a look at this environmentally responsible alternative to keep electric lines up and working.

New guides available on today's wood pole preservatives

Preservative guides

With the retirement of a preservative used for wood utility poles, there are two new guides available to help utilities review and select other preservatives used to protect poles from decay fungi and insects.

The new Technical Bulletin Preservative Options for Wood Utility Poles reviews the six commonly available preservatives used today. It further details the process each preservative must go through to be approved for use in making durable, long-lasting utility poles.

A shorter, two-page guide Pole Principles - Preservatives for Wood Utility Poles offers an overview of the pole preservatives. Under each preservative is the species commonly treated and the companies that manufacturer the preservatives, including links to the manufacturer's website for additional information.

Check out the new guides in the Technical Library.



Updated ANSI standard for wood poles published

The national guide for specifying wood poles has been updated and is now available from ANSI. Standard O5.1-2022 includes numerous updates,improvements and clarifications to the standard used by electric and telecommunications utilities, engineers and wood pole manufacturers.

A key addition to the standard is the Photographic Manual of Wood Pole Characteristics, which was previously a separate publciation. The manual will help users identify permitted, limited or prohibited pole characteristics.

ANSI Standard O5.1-2022 can be purchased on ANSI WebStore for $60 and it is available as a printed guide or downloadable PDF file. Other O5 standards and packages are also available.

Energize your community outreach with customized coloring book

ColorBookUtilities can get an assist in expanding their community affairs activities and communicating important safety information on overhead lines with a special low-cost, customized coloring book.

The 16-page book Electricity from Tree to Me is designed for children from kindergarten through elementary school. It explains how wood utility poles are made from sustainable and renewable trees and includes important safety messages for about overhead lines, including what to do if lines are on the ground.

The book is designed to be customized with utility information on the inside cover page and the back cover. The pages can feature colored artwork, such as a utility or company logo, so it can be integrated into utility community affairs programs.

Utility specific coloring books can be ordered for about $1 each for 1,000 copies or more. Quantities of 500 and 750 are also available at a discounted price.

Click here to learn more about the coloring book.